Category Archives: Cake Smash

Jake’s Cake Smash Session

Sarah Markus Photography Awhile back, the sweetest little one year old boy came to my studio for his cake smash session! Some babies are not super interested in the cake, or they have to be encouraged to get messy. Jake was not one of those babies. He just dove right in. Before we got started…

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Abel’s Cake Smash Session

Sarah Markus Photography A few weeks ago, Mr. Abel came in to do his Cake Smash session in my studio. This little guy was absolute perfection from head to toe, and he was so excited for his photo session! Abel is the youngest of four, and for his birthday he wanted a Paw Patrol party….

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Melanie’s Cake Smash

Sarah Markus Photography This was a very special cake smash session for me for a couple reasons. This sweet one-year-old girl is my niece, Melanie Sarah Lillian. Recognize that name? Of course you do! She’s named after yours truly. So that’s reason number one. Number two would be, she was one of the first baby’s…

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  • KirstieOctober 9, 2017 - 5:59 pm

    So adorable!!! I love the colors too! ReplyCancel

    • adminOctober 9, 2017 - 6:23 pm

      Thank you <3ReplyCancel

  • HannahOctober 16, 2017 - 6:49 pm

    She is actually the cutest! Even if I’m biased!!ReplyCancel

    • adminOctober 16, 2017 - 6:50 pm

      Yes, yes she is! 🙂ReplyCancel